Bachelor of Science (BS) Program in Mathematics
The degree of BS in Mathematics is a four-year, 120-121 credit hours study program designed to offer high quality teaching that promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a variety of subjects and through related disciplines. It provides fundamental background knowledge and expertise for study in engineering and sciences.
To graduate with a BS in Mathematics, students must satisfactorily complete 120 credit hours of course work from the courses that are described in the Program of Study with an overall minimum average of 65 percent, and a cumulative average of 70 percent in the major courses.
هذا المتطلب يتألف من المساقات العشرة التالية بمقدار 30 ساعة معتمدة
- ARAB 101 الكتابة الأكاديمية باللغة العربية
- CMPS 100B: Introduction to Technical Computing for the Sciences
- ENGL 101: Basic Academic English I
- ENGL 102: Basic Academic English II
- ENGL 203: Advanced Academic English I
- ENGL 204: Advanced Academic English II
- MATH 199: Calculus I
- SOCS 100: World Civilizations I
- SOCS 102 المجتمع العماني
- SOCS 200: World Civilizations II
This component consists of the following four courses encompassing 12 or 13 credit hours:
- One courses in physical/ natural sciences electives (3-4 Cr. hrs.)
- One course in humanities/ social sciences electives (3 Cr. hrs.)
- مساقان في أي تخصص آخر (٦ساعات معتمدة).
This component consists of a 26 courses constituting 79 credit hours distributed as follows.
This component consists of the following 19 courses constituting 58 credit hours:
- CHEM 130: Chemical Principles I
- CHEM 130L: Introductory Chemistry Laboratory
- CHEM 170: Chemical Principles II
- MATH 120: Geometry and Trigonometry
- MATH 200: Calculus II
- MATH 205: Calculus III
- MATH 210: Differential Equations
- MATH 240: Mathematics Computer Applications I
- MATH 250: Probability and Statistics
- MATH 255: Statistical Inference
- MATH 260: Numerical Analysis I
- MATH 305: Advanced Calculus
- MATH 320: Linear Algebra I
- MATH 360: Linear Algebra II
- MATH 370: Discrete Mathematics
- MATH 415: Abstract Algebra I
- MATH 470: Complex Analysis
- MATH 490: Mathematics Seminar
- PHYS 170: Fundamental of Physics I
- PHYS 170L: Introductory Physics Laboratory
- PHYS 210: Fundamental of Physics II
- PHYS 210L: Physics Lab II
This component includes seven course encompassing 21 credit hours chosen form the following list:
Three Mathematics Elective course encompassing 9 credit hours chosen from the following list:
- MATH 280: Mathematics Computer Applications II
- MATH 335: Mathematics for Science and Engineering
- MATH 345: Topics in Geometry
- MATH 365: Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 375: Topics in Statistics
- MATH 380: Numerical Analysis II
- MATH 390: Differential Equations II
- MATH 410: Number Theory
- MATH 435: Topology
- MATH 440: Real Analysis
- MATH 455: Abstract Algebra II
- MATH 475: Set Theory
Four supporting major elective courses encompassing 12 credit hours chosen from the following list:
- ACCT 101: Financial Accounting I
- ACCT 102: Financial Accounting II
- ACCT 260: Intermediate Accounting I
- CHEM 100: Chemistry for the Arts
- CHEM 210: Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 250: Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 260: Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 280: Environmental Chemistry
- ECON 201: Microeconomics
- ECON 202: Macroeconomics
- ECON 310: International Economics
- ENGL 280 اللغة الإنجليزية في مجال الأعمال
- FINA 201: Business Finance I
- FINA 202: Business Finance II
- FINA 260: Money and Capital Markets
- FINA 265: Financial Institutions
- FINA 270: Commercial Banking
- MATH 204: Mathematics for Social Sciences II
- MATH 280: Mathematics Computer Applications II
- MKTG 101: Principles of Marketing
- MKTG 260: Service Marketing
- MKTG 265: Marketing Communications
- MNGT 201: Management I
- MNGT 202: Management II
- MNGT 260: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
- MNGT 265: Human Resource Management
- MNGT 270: Organization Behavior
- PHYS 100: Physics for the Arts
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